The Justice League of Scowling..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Map: Follow your nose..

The Underwatch* was located near the East Rift, which was at the right hand of the Underchasm. After buying rations and supplies the party learned of the history of dark elves that assaulted the dwarven threshholds and were constantly under nocturnal attacks, with the dark elves becoming more fearless every passing night. Never to back down from a threat, the dwarves sent out scouts and discovered various new found caves, and fearing some might directly connect the Underdark they offered up rewards to those brave enough to explore them. One of the new found holes opened up south near Sadrach's Splinter, about a half days travel from the dwarven town.

Picking up their packs and heading out so they wouldn't lose the light of day when they arrived, the party headed out to the homemade dwarven suspension bridges that were held together by rusted metal plates, thick unravelling cables, and a bit of luck.

*Yes, everything in the area uses the prefix "Under" when describing itself. Underwatch, Underdark, Underchasm, Underbelly, Underwear, Under my Thumb.. you get the idea..