The Justice League of Scowling..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part Eleven: Lending a Hand

 Venturing slowly into the light filled room, the adventurers find a large, high vaulted chamber. Within they also find three floating, glowing orbs located at opposite ends of the room, along with a circular portal on the far wall, brimming with a dark energy. Also, they find a stone altar raised on dais in the center of the room, with some fresh bloodstains trailing towards the portal.

Although the dwarves, who were also with them, claimed that this was the infamous torture den, the party was disappointed at the lack of treasures or belongings. In fact, the place seemed outright desolate which was amplified by the sound of the occasional howling underground wind about them.

The ranger deduced that there was a skirmish of some kind in the area, and the previous occupants fled into the portal, maybe three large humanoids, along with one bound prisoner.

Sevah then turned his attention to the hovering orbs. The mage studied them from a distance and determined that they had a aura of some kind of transmutation magic about them. The ranger decided he was going to try and destroy the orbs and told the party to stand a distance away.

One arrow flew and shattered the orb, and immediately, the energy within shifted into the other orbs, making them glow brighter and thrum loudly. Again, the ranger knocked an arrow and released.

The second arrow broke the second orb, and once again the contents migrated into the last orb, which was now bathed the whole chamber in a bright white light, and thrummed intensely, like a mammoth heart with an irregular beat.

Upon the last arrow firing, the final orb shattered, and the party was blinded. Four member of the party, who were still a good distance away, were knocked off their feet. Sevah, Ki-Amar, Quinn and Korgul felt something sickeningly growing inside of them. Brother Japeth and Riardon the mage tried to figure out what had happened, sensing some kind of magical disease or trying to deduce if some kind of transmutation had taken place.

Suddenly, The four front runners felt a wrack of pain shift through their bodies, and felt something hideous trying to push it's way out of their flesh. Within minutes, they crumpled over in agony, and tearing through their cloths and armor, some nightmarish appendages broke through and writhed around with some sentient minds of their own.

The dwarves that had helped them break through the cavern rocks, looked on in horror, and slowly backed away, and soon ran off in terror.

Quinn, Sevah, and Ki-Amar had some hideous green troll like arm emerging from their back, while Korgul had a tentacle like appendage flaying about. And although hideous looking, the heroes with the troll arms found themselves with ability to regenerate hit points, a nightmarish boon for the tanks of the party. The orc barbarian also had the ability to paralyze his opponents. While the appendages did have some twisted usefulness, the party knew they would have to somehow have them removed before returning to any civilization.

Brother Japeth began to study the cursed abombinations and vowed to find a way to remove them. Meanwhile, the rest of the party decided to make best of the situation and pressed onward though the portal, uncertain of what lay beyond.

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