The Justice League of Scowling..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Part Twelve: The Hidden Fortress

Darkness and energy engulfed the party as they pressed on into the swirling portal. Upon arriving on the other side, they found the continuing blood trail, and the unfortunate realization that while there was a archway in the area, the portal didn't seem to be working, making their trip a one way affair.

 On the ground, the party also noticed recent bootprints that led down a dirt path and ended at pair of brazers atop two brick pillars. Between the pillars rested a delicate bridge that was littered with more lit brazers more bridge way that disappeared into the distance. A lone sentinel like figure stood atop the bridge in the center. Below the bridge was a swirling smoke like darkness, ready to engulf anyone who took a misstep.

Suddenly, the party heard mass skittering sounds, and beady humanoid eyes climbed around the bridge entrance and pillars making their way up the dirt pathway. Quinn and Ki-Amar bound into the small humanoids, easily cutting them down with deadly single blows. While making a pathway of bodies to the bridge, Sevah noticed the sentinel had started marching across the bridge. The smaller creatures had either been slain or skittered out of the way of the figure approaching from the bridge.

Quinn charged up and locked blades with the sentinel, catching the stench of decay coming from beneath the helmet. Arrows and magic missiles pierced into the heavily plated guardian, while Korgul brought up the flank and started to decimate the bridge sentinel. While putting up a valiant fight and trying to prevent the party from crossing, the bridge sentinel finally fell with a horrid laugh and a slow, evil feeling mist escaped the visor and vaporized into the underground air.

The unguarded bridge now lay before the party, filling in a large span to the the other side. Sevah could make out a fortress looking silhouette in the distance, behind a column of huge stalamites jutting out of the ground. His eagle eyes also spied some figures patrolling the distant wall. While taking a moment to study the distant area, Riardon the mage came to the conclusion that the entire fortress was erected atop a massive island that floated ominously in the underdark caverns.

Not seeing any enemies about, the party swiftly moved across the intricate, stone marble bridge. As they reached the other side, the adventurers ducked down behind one of the final burning brazers. Near the stalagmites, three more sentinel figures were taking down some corpses in what looked like some sort of ritual. Behind the figures, Sevah caught the glimpse of a ghost like apparation fading in and out of existence. And with that, he knocked an arrow and let loose.

The arrow burrowed itself into the heavily armored warrior as he let out a yell. The mass of apparations seemed to launch themselves en masse towards one of the stalagmites that that had steps wrapped around the outside, leading to a golden, detailed gong. Quinn ran as fast as he could in his full plate to head them off.

Undead after undead fell before the paladin, while Ki-Amar dashed out to meet the three sentinels. The party managed to continue the fight in front of the towering stalagmites, out of the view of the patrols on the fortress wall. While catching his breath fighting the mass of undead, Quinn flipped the metal gong down from it's purchase, resting it atop the ground, making it nearly impossible to be rung. The party proceeded to defeat to hulking sentinels and thier large horde of undead within a few minutes. As they finished up the last of the foes, they wiped thier blades clean, and ran over to the stone column closest to the fortress entrance.

As they talked about their plan of attack in entering the gates, Sevah noticed a couple of rocks cascade down a large boulder nearby. While they talked, the ranger watched the large rock unwavering, until finally he noticed a dark elf lock eyes with the party, turn and disappear into a pit a few feet away. Brother Japeth caught quick sight of the drow and recognized the insignia it bore on it tunic, being a guard for one of the drow house matriarch.

The party decided maybe a better approach to entering the fortress might be the underground way and hastily followed the queen's guard into the pit.

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