The Justice League of Scowling..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Intro: Remember where we parked.

The ship was finally moored at the docks, having endured a bellowing nighttime travel into the Gulf of Luiren. Thunderheads echoed off into the dawns horizon as the party walked towards the traveler's checkpoint in the town of Delzimmer. Although the group had a few exploits notched on their belts, this was new territory for them.

A couple of the members heard about a simple job exploring the newly unearthed areas and figured they were more then qualified for the task.

A long line led up to the dispatchment area, and the man at arms at the checkpoint took a quick look over of the group and barked "Underwatch!" Before any protest or response, they were hurriedly pushed ahead on their way.

Some members of the party knew the Underwatch post was a settlement of dwarfs that stood guard against the denizens of the Underdark. A couple wondered what they were doing even helping dwarfs in the first place.

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